Training workshops can be provided at various locations. Please contact us for more information.
Ⅰ.Introduction to Play Therapy
This course is for mental health professionals and graduate school students in clinical psychology, who wish to learn and acquire basic knowledge and skills in play therapy, and for those who are already practicing play therapy but want to systematically learn from the basics. This training course covers essential introductory knowledge such as history of play therapy, theory, basic techniques, and qualities required of a play therapist, not only through theoretical lectures but also through role-plays and discussions. The course gives pointers which will help participants in the future, when exploring the broad and deep world of play therapy. This course emphasizes practical learning using whole brain, using not only the cognitive brain but experiential elements such as emotion, sensations, and interpersonal interactions. The training will be conducted by two instructors.
Participant requirements for this training course:
1) Clinical psychologists, certified psychologists
2) Graduate school students or above who are studying clinical psychology
3) Play therapy practitioners
Training Hours
24-40 hours (ex: 4 hours x 6 days once a month)
play, powers of play, attachment, neurobiology, development, play therapy, history of play therapy, theoretical techniques (tracking, restating content reflecting feelings, returning responsibility to the child, dealing with questions, setting limits), assessment, the initial session, the play therapist, countertransference, culture, toys, play therapy room, structure, working with parents, liasoning with other professionals, self-care, supervision, termination (depending on the number of course hours, may include play themes, trauma and play therapy)
Ⅱ.Therapeutic Play for Professionals
This course is for professionals who wish to attain knowledge and skills in therapeutic play. Therapeutic play is different from play therapy, in that it is based on the theory and techniques of play therapy and is therapeutically involved with children through play, but is not necessary a psychological intervention conducted by professionally trained play therapists. In day-to-day interactions with children, it can be used to promote growth appropriate to their developmental age and improve relationships with adults. It is also a useful intervention for short- to medium-term support for children who need to regain a sense of safety. This training is an experiential and practical training that incorporates role play. It can also be taught as an introduction to the Introduction to Play Therapy course.
Participant requirements for the training:
1) Clinical psychologists, certified psychologisst
2) Graduate school students or above who are studying clinical psychology
3) Play therapy practitioners
Training Hours
2-5 hours
therapeutic play, self-care, attachment, neurobiology, co-regulation, powers of play , types of play, structured play, therapeutic play skills in free play, toys, post-traumatic play, setting limits
III. Helping Children Therapeutically through Play [for the general public]
Helping Children Therapeutically through Play is a hands-on workshop for anyone who works or lives with children and hopes to gain knowledge and skills to improve the well-being of children. The content of the workshop is based on the Therapeutic Play for Professionals training. By understanding the powers of play, we can make use of play to support children in their daily lives, such as at home, schools, kindergartens, child-care centers and hospitals. Adults who spend any amount of time with children can learn how to support their development in positive ways. This is a practical and fun workshop where you can experientially learn how to support children using the therapeutic powers of play.
Participant requirements for the training:
Parents, nursery teachers, school/kindergarten teachers, child-care givers, after-school children’s club staff, child welfare facility staff, medical staff, and other people involved with children
Training Hours:
1.5 hour to 2 hours
self-care, common reactions and responses observed in children who have experienced adverse situations or trauma, neurobiology and play, types of play, structured play, therapeutic play skills in free play, toys, post-traumatic play, setting limits