① Too scared to cry
Lenore Terr, Harper & Row, 1990
② The healing power of play
Eliana Gil, Guilford Press, 1991
(日本語訳: 虐待を受けた子どものプレイセラピー、西澤哲訳、誠信書房)
③ The playing cure
H. Kaduson, D. Cangelosi, and C. Schaefer Eds., Northvale, NJ,
Jason Aronson, 1997所収
Shelby, J. S. (1997). Rubble, disruption, and tears: Helping young survivors
of natural disaster
④ Short-term play therapy interventions with children
H. Kaduson, and C. Schaefer Eds., New York, NY: Guilford, 2000 所収
Shelby, J.S., Brief play therapy with traumatized children: A developmental perspective
⑤ Empirically based play therapy.
L. Reddy and C. Schaefer Eds., Washington, DC: APA Press., 2005所収
Shelby, J.S., Posttraumatic Play Therapy: An integrated model of directive
and non-directive approaches.
⑥ Contemporary play therapy: Theory, research, and practice
C. Schaefer and H. Kaduson Eds., NY, Guilford. 2006所収
Felix, E., Bond, D., & Shelby, J.S.. Coping with disaster: Psychosocial interventions
for children
Lenore Terr, Harper & Row, 1990
② The healing power of play
Eliana Gil, Guilford Press, 1991
(日本語訳: 虐待を受けた子どものプレイセラピー、西澤哲訳、誠信書房)
③ The playing cure
H. Kaduson, D. Cangelosi, and C. Schaefer Eds., Northvale, NJ,
Jason Aronson, 1997所収
Shelby, J. S. (1997). Rubble, disruption, and tears: Helping young survivors
of natural disaster
④ Short-term play therapy interventions with children
H. Kaduson, and C. Schaefer Eds., New York, NY: Guilford, 2000 所収
Shelby, J.S., Brief play therapy with traumatized children: A developmental perspective
⑤ Empirically based play therapy.
L. Reddy and C. Schaefer Eds., Washington, DC: APA Press., 2005所収
Shelby, J.S., Posttraumatic Play Therapy: An integrated model of directive
and non-directive approaches.
⑥ Contemporary play therapy: Theory, research, and practice
C. Schaefer and H. Kaduson Eds., NY, Guilford. 2006所収
Felix, E., Bond, D., & Shelby, J.S.. Coping with disaster: Psychosocial interventions
for children
● トラウマとプレイセラピー